The 12 April 2016 was a special day for all Dixie students in the Upper Sixth as it marked the first day of their last term at the school. For some students, this is a journey that started not just eight years ago, when they joined the Senior School in Year 6; not even fourteen years ago when they joined the Junior School in Reception; but fifteen or more years ago when they joined the Dixie Grammar School Pippins Nursery. Such is the case for Florence Pritchett, Greg Hancock, Damon Burrage and Ed Platts (Deputy Head Boy). When asked to share their memories of their time at Dixie so far, this is what they said:

“Looking back it is hard to believe we are almost at the end of what has been such a huge part of our lives and such an amazing journey. It is remarkable to have spent so long with each other and to know each other so well and when you begin to look back, the first things you remember are the laughs, the jokes and the funny stories, from Ed crying on his first day at Pippins because he didn’t like the toast, to Greg getting stuck under a toilet door, to Damon dressing up in a tutu, wig and high-heeled knee boots for the Year 6 fashion show and enjoying it a little too much! Next, of course, come the trips and the big, memorable events, from Cadbury’s World and the day a helicopter and a rocket arrived at the Junior School, to skiing in Canada, hiking in Mozambique and undertaking work experience in France in the Senior School. Most remarkable, however, is how different we all are and how we are all set to take the next step in our education and lives, albeit in very different directions. Ever the keen sportsman, Greg is ready to take a gap-year and then continue his passion studying sport rehabilitation in London; Floss, with her farming family background and passion for food and nutrition, is looking forward to studying Food Production and Marketing at Harper Adams University; Damon, whose plans seem to change as often as his fashion and haircuts, has finally settled on studying Finance at university; and Ed, having learned to love the school toast, is looking forward to taking up his offer to study Chinese at Oxford. We really think that Dixie has a special quality and passes on to its students a real confidence to manage and succeed in all social and professional environments, a knowledge that success is always possible with hard work and a firm grounding in reality, built on strong relations between all members of the school community. We have loved every minute of being at the Dixie and now look forward to the future that it has helped us build.”