Life as a Sixth Former is about so much more than academic success and so Enrichment sessions for our Sixth Form are dedicated to offering a diverse range of appealing and useful activities to promote skills and learning beyond the usual curriculum.
All Sixth Formers follow an initial course in study skills, which includes an introduction to the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). Other courses they are able to complete during the year have recently included Spanish GCSE, photography, cooking at university and managing your own finances.  We are constantly reviewing and updating this area of school life to respond to student needs and wishes. We are proud of the role our Sixth Form play in shaping and delivering some aspects of the program and of the life skills we are able to deliver during this curriculum time. This includes practical UCAS application sessions and learning about student finance as well as welcoming outside speakers to deliver sessions on safe driving, for example, or first aid as part of the Heartstart campaign.