We are looking for students to join us who have ability in their chosen subjects and who can also make a positive contribution to the ethos of the Sixth Form through their enthusiasm and commitment. You will normally be expected to gain at least a Grade 6 in the subjects you wish to study at A Level, but this is open to discussion with the relevant Head of Department if you do not do as well as expected. It is always worth contacting Mr Dixon, Head of Sixth Form, as we consider every student as an individual and on their individual merits.
All applicants are asked to select three A Level subjects – universities base their offers on three A Levels and it is our experience that studying a greater number of subjects does not allow sufficient time for the independent study that is crucial to academic success. All students are offered the opportunity to study for the EPQ – an additional qualification that requires the submission of an independently-researched project.
Our A Level taster week at the end of the summer term enables students to gain a flavour of academic study in their chosen subjects, as well as an introduction to life in the Dixie Sixth Form.