The Physical Education Department offers a broad and balanced programme of activities for students to participate in.
We aim to offer access to as many activities as possible in the curriculum rather than focus intensely on a small number of sports. We hope that by doing this we will offer activities to suit the majority of students’ interests and maximise the number of students who will go on to participate in extra-curricular sport. The PE curriculum at The Dixie Grammar School includes the following activities from Years 6 to 10:
The range of activities include: Netball, Football (boys and girls), Hockey, Rugby, Athletics, Cross-country, Swimming, Rounders, Cricket and Tennis. Within school we also hold “Inter-house” competitions in a range of sports including swimming, cross-country and athletics.
Fixtures and practices are published in the school calendar and on the school website under; extra-curricular activities. Students are notified in school if they have been selected for an event and are regularly encouraged to check the PE and Sport notice-board. Parents are also asked to check the fixtures information on the website which is current and regularly updated.
Students at The Dixie have been successful in representing the area, region or county in a wide range of activities and we always encourage students to play a sport(s) outside of school in order to aid their skill development, game awareness and fitness. We also have a small number of pupils on individual arrangements in school to assist elite level training programmes.
Sports Scholarships
Sports scholarships are awarded to candidates in the sixth form who, as a result of interviews held by the Head of PE and Games and Headmaster are deemed to have exceptional sports talent. This would normally involve performing exceptionally well in more than one sport within school. Students who are in receipt of a sports scholarship are expected to justify their retention by making a regular, reliable contribution to school sport in terms of performing and leading by example. Applications are available from the school office.