The Dixie Grammar School seeks to be a well ordered and caring community providing educational excellence for all pupils underpinned by a pastoral care system that meets the changing needs of pupils as they grow and develop.
In the Nursery and Junior School pastoral care is centred on your child’s teacher who will look after the all-round academic, social and pastoral well-being of your child. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception aged children) a Key Person will be allocated to this role. With a high teacher-to-pupil ratio, our dedicated and caring staff are able to ensure that the classroom provides a happy, safe and exciting learning environment whilst ensuring that your child’s individual needs are met. New children quickly feel part of the school.
Pastoral care is not limited to class teachers, as all staff know the pupils. All staff believe that each child is a valued and unique member of the community. The School promotes and encourages friendly and positive friendships between pupils, promoting respect for others and consideration for the feelings and values of all.
We are joint partners in your child’s care and development.
In the Senior School pastoral care is split into four age ranges Lower School (Years 6 – 7), Middle School (Years 8 – 9), Upper School (Years 10 – 11) and Sixth Form. Each year group has a dedicated Head of Section and whilst the core values carry through the whole school each Senior School group focuses on the differing stages of the pupil’s education.
Both at the Junior and Senior School the Form Teacher and your child’s planner are the backbone of communication over matters of concern.
However across the School we offer an ‘open door’ policy whereby your child’s Form Teacher and other members of staff are always on hand to help and advise.
However if your concern is of a more serious or confidential nature, please contact:
Nursery and Junior School:
Mrs S Baker, Head of Pastoral
At the Senior School each year group has a dedicated Head of Section:
Lower School, Mr M Mellors
Middle School, Mr P MacQueen
Upper School, Mrs K Craig
or Mrs H J Banton, Dir. of Student Care