“Excellent teamworking skills are promoted exceptionally well through the school’s emphasis on outdoor learning for all ages.”
ISI Inspection Report 2022
Every Thursday Years 6-8 take part in a session of outdoor education for a term as part of their enrichment activities. The aim of these sessions is not only to develop practical capabilities like shelter-building, fire-lighting and practical tool skills, but also less tangible skills like team-building, decision-making and creativity. Our pupils develop an interest in and an appreciation of the natural world and benefit greatly from the opportunities provided for autonomy, perseverance, risk-taking and to develop resilience and well-being. We have a dedicated area of woodland on the edge of the school playing fields which we continue to develop and work in. The sessions are led by forest school trained teachers and assisted by Year 10-12 students working on leadership skills and their Duke of Edinburgh awards.
Year 6 build on skills learnt at the Junior School with activities linked to their Harry Potter topic. Year 7 work towards a survival day at the end of the Spring term where they follow their own planned route using OS maps through the local area, build natural shelters, cook a meal over a fire and work as a team to complete challenges. Year 8 will focus on skills leading up to Duke of Edinburgh in Year 9 culminating in a trip to the Peak District where they will walk two self-planned routes and attempt some more challenging outdoor activities.