Music flourishes at The Dixie Grammar Junior School as all children are taught by a music specialist. Music sessions are linked to the children’s current classwork and an international repertoire of songs is also included in the curriculum.
Children at the school show great commitment to music from an early age. They are encouraged to get involved in an extra-curricular musical activity and share in the pleasure of performing to others. There are weekly rehearsals and recitals and many performing opportunities for all to take part in throughout the year.
In lessons the children learn to sing in harmony, both to read music and play instruments by ear, to accompany songs with tuned and untuned percussion instruments and to move to music. We endeavour to include a fun, varied, interactive and engaging content in all lessons.
In addition to their weekly hour of music each week, all children in Year 3 also learn to play either the violin or cello with a strings specialist as part of the curriculum; they perform in a strings concert in the summer term. When children move into Year 4, they then have the opportunity to learn woodwind instrument and again, perform in a concert at the end of the academic year. These lessons are an embedded part of the curriculum and a real opportunity for children to get a feel for different instruments to then carry on further should they wish.
Individual music lessons (an additional payment is required) are currently offered on many different instruments; singing is also offered. Lessons take place for 20 minutes on a weekly basis and children may take graded examinations if they wish to, supported by the specialist peripatetic teachers.
The School hosts a range of concerts including a traditional Christmas Carol Concert. The choirs also sing publicly at a wide range of venues around the area and bi-annually take part in the Young Voices Concert, held at the Birmingham Genting Arena.
Whether it be ‘samba’, ‘traditional concert pieces’ or ‘singing’, all of our pupils have the opportunity to experience and enjoy performing.
We have additional visiting specialists for Speech & Drama.