With just under 15% of all GCSE grades awarded at the coveted grade 9 and over 40% at the top grades of 7 and above, there was much celebration at the Dixie Grammar this morning as GCSE results were collected by students. A third of the year group averaged above a 7 (Grade A) in all of their exams and this talented cohort have laid the firmest of foundations for success at A level and beyond.
Following a very successful A level induction week after GCSE exams, Dixie students will be joined by over half a dozen newcomers to the school for A levels – we look forward to welcoming them all back for the start of the Sixth Form on 5th September. Students will embark on their chosen A level courses as well as taking advantage of the wide range of leadership and personal development opportunities that are so much a feature of Sixth Form life at the Dixie.